Break Your Opponent’s Posture

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< 1 minute read

Let’s talk about another important concept briefly.​

Just like the concept of using your weight in my previous post, this one applies to various situations.​

It’s going to sound ridiculously simple, but you have to break your opponent’s posture as much as you can.​

How do you take someone down?​

By breaking their posture.​

When their posture is broken, they are more likely to lose their stability, and their position is so awkward that they can’t resist your takedown attempt.​

How do you sweep someone from your guard?​

By breaking their posture.​

Sweeps from the guard are basically takedowns initiated from the bottom position.​

Ok, how about guard passing?​

Breaking your opponent’s posture plays a significant role here, too.​

From a guarder’s perspective, what they need to play their guard successfully is to create, maintain, and dynamically adjust frames against the passer. And the guarder’s posture is what constitutes these frames.​

So when you try to pass your opponent’s guard, you should be actively getting rid of their frames by… breaking their posture.​

Note that while breaking the posture is one of the essential actions in achieving your takedown/sweep/guard passing goal, it’s not the only thing you need to do.​

I know these examples are abstract, but if you haven’t done so before, start paying attention to your partner’s posture as well as your own posture.